Post-surgery rehabilitation is the crucial process of re – establishing muscle strength, joint motion, full joint movement and restore full body strength and functionality, through physiotherapy sessions and exercises. Depending upon the surgical procedure that has one has gone through; the post-surgery physiotherapy could well last from a month to a whole year.


Post-surgery physical therapy plays a crucial role in post-operative rehabilitation, as post-surgery physiotherapy ensures faster and complete recovery and effective return to prior level of physical function. Post-surgery body tissue/joint/cartilage needs some stimulus to recover; this much needed stimulus is provided by post-surgery physical therapy.

Some of the other benefits of physiotherapy after surgery are as follows;

  • Helps in the proper circulation of blood after surgery, thus preventing blood clots.
  • Helps in improving the muscle strength, posture and balance of the body.
  • Physiotherapy also proves beneficial in helping a person get back on their feet.
  • Physiotherapy also provides effective self – care training to the patient like safely getting out of bed, bathing, climbing stairs, etc.
  • Physiotherapy reduces pain and equips you with pain control and manual therapy techniques.
  • Finally, physiotherapy reduces the risk of post – operative pulmonary complications (PCCs)

How Can We Help?

While your physician may recommend pain management drugs, physical therapy has been known to relieve pain without the need for them. Pain-killing drugs mask the pain while physical therapy resolves the issue where the pain is originating. This is achieved with specialized methods, techniques, and modalities, such as ultrasound, joint mobilizations, laser therapy, electrical stimulation, and home exercise programs.