Why You Need Rehab

It can speed your recovery no matter what kind of operation you've had, be it a joint replacement, heart surgery, or a procedure to treat cancer. You'll likely begin while you're still in the hospital. A therapist will help you get out of bed and start to walk again. You'll also do other exercises to get you ready to go home.

After you're released from the hospital, you might finish your recovery with a stay at a rehab centre. Depending on the type of surgery you had, you might be there for a few weeks or months. Or your doctor may suggest you visit an "outpatient" centre, which means you live at home but get therapy during regular appointments one or more times a week. Sometimes a therapist will come to your home.

How Rehab Helps You Recover

It takes time and effort, but it's worth it. Keep in mind some key goals of your rehab program:

  • Improve movement and range of motion in the part of your body where you had surgery
  • Strengthen your muscles
  • Reduce pain
  • Help you walk again -- first with crutches or a walker, and then on your own
  • Teach you to do daily activities, such as climb stairs, get up from a chair or bed, get in and out of a car, get dressed, and bathe

The Benefits of Physical Therapy After Surgery

Most doctors and other medical professionals recommend physical therapy after having an operation because of its many benefits. The benefits of physical therapy post-op include:

  • Promotion of healing
  • Regain mobility
  • Faster recovery
  • Involvement in rehabilitation
  • Address postoperative pain
  • Reduce scar tissue formation